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This Week with Dr Sherri Tenpenny USA & Christian Oesch Switzerland (original English)

7.Dez.. 2021 | 0 comments

This Week with Dr Sherri Tenpenny USA & Christian Oesch Switzerland (original English)

by | Dez. 7, 2021 | Gesundheit, Videos | 0 comments

Dr. Sherri J. Tenpenny is an osteopathic doctor certified in three medical specialties. Dr. Tenpenny regarded as the most knowledgeable and outspoken doctor about the negative health effects of vaccines. Tenpenny has appeared on hundreds of radio and national television programs (including the Dr. Oz Show and Today Show Australia). She has lectured at Cleveland State University and Case Western Reserve Medical School and has been a recognized expert at national and international conventions as a recognized expert on a wide range of topics in the field of integrative medicine, including breast health, breast thermography, hormones, medical uses of iodine and the negative health effects of vaccines.

Christian Oesch, is one of the leading Swiss opponents in the instrumentalization of 5G, the Corona and mainly the WEF/BIS agendas and shows in his lectures how ignorant the federal government and politics are driving this development forward.

As Senior Advisor of Lepitus Enterprises AG, Christian Oesch is no stranger to international trade on a global level. Project management and business development in the context of integrative medicine have been one of the central topics in Christian’s career for almost 20 years. Applying experience and working through his human ecosystem enabled him to connect and stay in touch with hundreds of international doctors, scientists, practitioners, therapists and patients worldwide.

Christian has had a very international career in North America and recently returned to Europe where he lives in the Bernese Alps – Switzerland.

Christian is currently focused and very active as President of the Swiss Association WIR, a very active Swiss non-profit organization that develops and coordinates various freedom movements, opposition to the global 5G and Corona agenda, and persues political initiatives and projects in and around Switzerland launched.

Find out now how Christian and his network is defending themselves in Switzerland and throughout Europe in order to preserve their rights and freedoms.

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